Business Contract Drafting

Creating corporate and commercial contracts. It is an agreement between two parties that establishes numerous criteria, including ways for resolving conflicts. The purpose of signing the contract is to avoid any potential difficulties.

Examples of different business contracts;

• Business contracts, joint ventures, shareholding, and duties
• Contracts for selling products and services with delivery and payment terms
• Product placement and distribution agreements
• Contracts for medical services, employee employment, and construction
• Agreement to purchase and sell land and buildings
• Contracts for manufacturing items and contracting services
• Investment loan contract
• Debt payback agreement

It is crucial that the person drafting the business contract has experience and a solid grasp of the business model. Comprehensive knowledge of business law the ability to write clear, succinct commercial contracts Lessen the likelihood of issues later on.

“Bangkok business lawyer” can provide contract drafting services for any form of business agreement. Please reach us at