By establishing Bangkok Business Lawyer, a legal office that offers business law as well as comprehensive business and marketing consultancy.

Bangkok Business Lawyer is committed to being a corporate entrepreneur for society, aiming to provide Thai citizens with a higher income and a better quality of life. These services serve as an important foundation for running a thriving business.

restaurant open

“Bangkok Business Lawyer” wishes to contribute to the development of Thailand’s small and medium-sized businesses, as they are the driving force behind the economy. If SMEs can do business well, produce sustainable goods, and compete in business both in Thailand and abroad, the economy and country will be stronger. Bangkok Business Lawyer’s mission will assist in the development of small and medium-sized business groups that require legal and business-related knowledge, as well as legal services and advice, in order to construct sustainable and competitive businesses in Thailand and abroad, resulting in social and economic structures. Improved quality of life.


A single person or institution cannot accomplish the promotion of business and social development. If any individual or company wishes to contribute to the promotion of better business for Thai citizens, they can do so through the Bangkok Business Lawyer.