Domestic disputes frequently emerge, and they are unable to negotiate or settle them inside the family. Legal mechanisms are required to help resolve disputes. Family disputes, involving relationships between family members, spouses, children, and property, require sensitivity and discretion.

The suspension of a family dispute may be conducted in a court of juvenile and family courts, or, if it is not desirable to proceed in court, an alternative suspension may be performed by a mediator, who must have experience in domestic disputes, or by an arbitration procedure, which is shorter and more complex than a court procedure and reduces the risk of disclosure of information about a dispute.

“Bangkok Business Lawyer” provides the following family law legal services;


Domestic disputes frequently emerge, and they are unable to negotiate or settle them inside the family. Legal mechanisms are required to help resolve disputes. Family disputes, involving relationships between family members, spouses, children, and property, require sensitivity and discretion.

The suspension of a family dispute may be conducted in a court of juvenile and family courts, or, if it is not desirable to proceed in court, an alternative suspension may be performed by a mediator, who must have experience in domestic disputes, or by an arbitration procedure, which is shorter and more complex than a court procedure and reduces the risk of disclosure of information about a dispute.

“Bangkok Business Lawyer” provides the following family law legal services;



Marriage and marriage registration are, in principle, two people who have agreed to be one and the same person and expect to walk together smoothly for a long time, but this may not be the case in reality. A variety of factors, including changes in relationships and unequal needs, both in terms of attitudes toward life, parenthood, and property, might affect a couple’s existence. When these circumstances escalate, legal action ensues to dissolve the marriage and assert or defend each party’s rights.

Disputes in divorce proceedings are frequently more than simply about divorce; there are other factors and events that contribute to the same outcome. In some circumstances, the sequence of events and facts is complex. It may be necessary to separate more than just one divorce case. It may be required to have a case, litigation, and criminal participation. 

A divorce lawyer must have prior expertise handling family law cases. The parent’s divorce may impact both the distribution of assets and the psychology of the child. Lawyers who acknowledge the family institution’s sensitivities will be able to help the case terminate successfully without causing further harm.


Prenuptial Agreement & Postnuptial Agreement

The covenant before and after marriage is an agreement between the two spouses that governs property and children. In the case of a divorce resulting from a discrepancy between the contract before and after marriage, it is the time of the contract made before marriage or after marriage and then made. 

The pre-marital agreement must identify each party’s property prior to marriage, as well as how the disagreement will be resolved and the property divided if a divorce occurs. As part of the post-marriage agreement, the two parties agree to deal with property acquired before and during the marriage. There may be one partner that earns more and pays more for the property or receives an inheritance; thus, prior agreement is essential for property management.


Cohabitation agreement

Whether they are of distinct genders, eligible for registration as spouses, or of the same sex and not yet protected by the right to manage property like a spouse, more people are choosing to live together without a registered spouse. For such a contract, the couple can specify the property that each of the parties owns, the property that they jointly built, as well as the business that they run together, how they will manage that property if they decide not to stay together, and how the other party will handle it if one of the partners leaves.


Last Will and Testament

Inheritance is essentially a responsibility for one’s own property, not a burden on others. If not correctly held, the division of property among those with rights to the property, business, or management can cause issues for both the entitled and the non-eligible parties.

The successor may desire to distribute the property in a manner that violates the law. A proper inheritance will divide the property in accordance with the successor’s mortgage, allowing for the termination of some rightholders’ rights or their sharing with others who lack the same rights.

The inheritance shall be carried out without the beneficiary’s conscious participation, and it shall not be divulged before the appointed time. The elderly inheritor must have a medical certificate indicating full consciousness while inheriting.

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