
Thailand offers three courts for criminal proceedings: the Civil Court, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court. Each case must adhere to the set of processes, whether it is a trial, criminal case, intellectual property case, labor case, administrative case, or family case. Each case has its own set of procedures and procedures, which range from the appeal, the complaint, the rules of each court, the law, and a knowledge of the substance of the facts that occurred. As a result, the trial should be handled by a lawyer with experience and skill in these types of situations.

According to the case, “Bangkok Business Lawyer” has the expertise and capacity to carry out:

  • Civil Law: Breach of contract, Debt collection, Medical malpractice, Construction, Property
  • Labor Law and Labor Dispute
  • Family Law: Last will, Executor of a will, Prenuptial agreement, Marriage registration, Divorce and Child custody
  • Intellectual Property Dispute and Trademark Dispute
  • Criminal Case: Fraud, Defamation

Our litigation services encompass comprehensive legal representation, including legal consultation, document preparation, and acting as representatives in both civil and criminal court cases. Our team of expert lawyers is dedicated to defending the rights and interests of our clients effectively.